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Version: 0.12


The string module contains functions that primarily work with strings.


split(input, separator)

Splits the input string at every occurrence of the separator string and turns the result in an array.

Returns a string


Returns if the input string is empty or not.

Returns a bool


Returns the number of bytes composing the input string (may not be equivalent to the number of codepoints!).

Returns an integer


Turns all characters in the input string to lower case, based on the Unicode Lowercase property.

Returns a string

contains(input, string)

Returns if the input string contains another string or not.

Returns a bool


The placeholder {} is replaced by the arguments in the list in order.

string::format("the {} is {}.", "meaning of life", 42)

would result in the string

"the meaning of life is 42"

To use { or } as string literals in your format string, it needs to be escapedby adding another parenthesis of the same type.

string::format("{{ this is a string format in parenthesis }}")

this will output:

"{ this is a string format in parenthesis }"

Returns a string


Trims whitespaces at the start of the input string. All codepoints with the unicode property White_Space are considered whitespace here.

Returns a string


Turns the first character in the input string to upper case. This does not ignore leading non letters!

Returns a string


Turns a binary into a utf8 string, potentally discarding invalid codepoints

Returns a string

substr(input, start, end)

Get all codepoints from index start to end-1.

Returns a string


Returns the length of the input string (counted as utf8 codepoints, not bytes!).

Returns an integer


Turns all characters in the input string to upper case, based on the Unicode Uppercase property

Returns a string


Trims whitespaces both at the start and end of the input string. All codepoints with the unicode property White_Space are considered whitespace here.

Returns a string

replace(input, from, to)

Replaces all occurrences of from in Input to to.

Returns a string


Turns a string into it's binary representation

Returns a binary


Trims whitespaces at the end of the input string. All codepoints with the unicode property White_Space are considered whitespace here.

Returns a string